Mesothelioma case
Our attorneys sue aggressively to secure your recovery
Mesothelioma treatment can be expensive but necessary for you and your family. Mesothelioma, especially in the late stages, can cause your body to function faster. If you suffer from mesothelioma, you need the highest quality medical care to help you through this process.
At Throneberry Law Group, our attorneys investigate the root cause of your mesothelioma and take swift legal action to get the compensation you need for your medical care. Many companies have exposed their employees to asbestos for decades, even after knowing and understanding the health risks involved. This recklessness and negligence may be responsible for your diagnosis of mesothelioma, which is why we fight to get you the treatment you deserve at the expense of the party responsible for your asbestos exposure.
Mesothelioma Litigation. |
The last thing you need to think about is finances.
When representing your mesothelioma claims, we seek compensation from the various parties involved in your asbestos exposure - including employers, manufacturers, and other responsible corporations. We passionately fight for compensation to cover your current and future medical bills, lost wages, and emotional pain and suffering. We can also help you follow Social Security, insurance, or employee compensation.
If you or a loved one dies in a lawsuit, we also work to recover money for the victims' families. Our goal is to alleviate financial concerns related to mesothelioma so that you can focus on your health and recovery. Our service starts with a free consultation, and you will not pay until we have guaranteed compensation for your troubles.
Common misconceptions about asbestos
Many people refuse to sue for mesothelioma because they mistakenly think it will take a long time to get compensation. Although the trial process can take a long time, many mesothelioma cases are settled within 90 days of the start of work. In some cases, trust funds have already been established to compensate mesothelioma sufferers.
Another misconception is that companies that have gone out of business cannot compensate for their wrongdoings. If the company responsible for your asbestos exposure is sold, there is often a requirement that the purchasing company must accept future or pending lawsuits. If the company responsible for your asbestos exposure goes bankrupt, it may need to establish an asbestos trust fund to compensate victims like you.
Important mesothelioma timeline
Mesothelioma is classified as a rare medical condition, but there are still decades of costly cases involving the substance. This timeline includes the following:
Between 1963 - 1965. During this time, medical professionals were still establishing that frequent or prolonged exposure to asbestos significantly increased a person's chances of being diagnosed with mesothelioma.
1965. This year, the American Law Institute of the Restrictions of the Law of Torts issued a law stating that any party selling any product in a defective condition is unjustifiably dangerous to the user or consumer or their property or is responsible for the loss of their property. That product.
From 1969 to the present. During this time, the number of mesothelioma cases and asbestos exposure has more than tripled.
We will help you wherever you are
Although our head office is in Illinois, we travel around the country to investigate mesothelioma claims. By coming directly to your position, we will be able to expedite the mesothelioma case process by personally evaluating your claim and filing the necessary paperwork to initiate your case.
To speak with our trusted Mesothelioma Attorneys, contact us online.
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